
1. Top Page
2. Top View Image
  (1) Single Camera
  (2) Multi-Camera
3. Setup Page


1. Top Page
Motion JPEG The camera image will be refreshed like a motion video.
(In general, it is called the server push mode.)
JPEG - Regularly Refresh A still camera image will be regularly refreshed. This refresh interval can be set up at Top View Image page of Setup page.
(In general, it is called the client pull mode.)
Single Camera One camera picture display and various control bars are displayed.
Multi-Camera Up to four cameras pictures are displayed simultaneously.

2. Top View Image
  (1) Single Camera
Click to Center Click on Camera image, and Camera change the direction to the position which the mouse was clicked.
End/Preset/Locked display
End display:
Pan, Tilt, Click to Center, Zoom, or Focus operation having reached end. It is displayed Left End, Right End, Up End, Down End, Wide End, Tele End, Near End, or Far End.
Preset display:
Preset having reached the target registered. It is displayed Preset name.
Locked display:
If Pan / Tilt / Preset, Brightness, Preset Program, Zoom, or Focus control are disabled, the camera displayed Locked when you click these buttons.
Pan/Tilt Scan The camera returns to the present position after moving in the PAN or TILT movable range whole region.
Home Position
Click the arrow or center button to perform the Pan/Tilt or Home Position operation.
Camera restores the registered position, white balance, brightness, zoom, and focus.
Camera has 8 preset deposits. Preset also stores the white balance, brightness, zoom, and focus.
There are some limitations about preset name.
  • 1 to 15 characters
  • Cannot use the [Space], ["], ['], [#], [%], [&], [+], [?], [=], [<], [>], [:]
Zoom Zoom button increases or decreases the size of the object on the Single Camera screen.
Focus Focus button adjusts the focus.
  1. [STD]
  2. [-], [+]
Brightness control has 9 steps including [STD].
  1. The standard picture brightness is set. (default)
  2. Change the brightness of Image.
Resolution Selects the Image Resolution from 640 x 480, 320 x 240 (default) or 160 x 120.
Image Quality
  1. Favor Clarity
  2. Standard
  3. Favor Motion
Select the Image quality.
  1. Priority is given to the high image quality.
  2. The standard image quality is set. (default)
  3. Priority is given to the fast motion of the image.
Image Size Select the Image size to "x1" (default) or "x1.5".
(The 1.5 times mode only expands image size 1.5 times, but the resolution does not go up.)
Buffered Image Capture In case of checking "Enable" box of "Capture Control" in "Capture" page of "Image Transfer" menu.
[Capture] button
Current image will be captured in internal memory. This image condition is same as current resolution and image quality. (Capture time and the number of frames in buffered images are restricted in a memory, the resolution, the image quality, and subjects of an image.)
Alarm In case of checking "Enable" box of "Alarm Control" in "Alarm" page of "Image Transfer" menu.
[Alarm] button
The Images buffered by "Primary condition" and "Secondary condition" is displayed.
Timer In case of checking "Enable" box of "Timer Control" in "Timer" page of "Image Transfer" menu.
[Timer] button
The Images buffered by "Primary condition" and "Secondary condition" is displayed.
Caution Buffered images will clear when the following operations occur.
  • Execute the Power off, Restart, Update Firmware.
  • "Image Transfer" or "Name / Time" menu page is saved.
  • Push the "Start Capture" button.
Viewer & Primary & Secondary
The buffered images are displayed continuously.
"<Prev" & "Next>"
The previous image and next image about the current image is displayed.
"<10" & "10>"
The 10th frame before or after the image is displayed.
"<100" & "100>"
The 100th frame before or after the image is displayed.
Multi-Camera The Multi-Camera screen appears.
Top Page The Top Page viewer appears.
Help The Help viewer appears.

  (2) Multi-Camera

3. Setup Page


  <1> Go to Top Page
  <2> Network
  <3> Name / Time
  <4> Security: Administrator
  <5> Security: General User
  <6> Top View Image
  <7> Image Transfer
  <8> Camera Setup
  <9> Multi-Camera
  <10> External Output Control
  <11> Indicator Control
  <12> Status
  <13> Restart
  <14> Update Firmware
  <15> Reset to Factory Default


  <1> Go to Top Page
    Link to Top Page.

  <2> Network
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1. Network Configuration from Setup Program
  • You can set disable Network Configuration from Setup Program of CD-ROM for network security.
Check Only       -
2. Internet Connection      
   (1) Port No.
  • You can set up the port No. of Network Camera.
    (Default value is 80.)
    If you use Bridge or Router and two or more cameras are connected with the network, it is necessary to setup the unique port No. of each camera and except the following Port No.
  • Using with other network products.
  • Using with Network Camera (20, 21, 25, 110).
1 to 65535       -
   (2) Static
  • Please check Static, when specifying the IP Address assigned to the Network Camera from your network administrator or ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Check Only       -
  • IP Address
  • Subnet Mask
  • Enter the proper address.
  • Required when enabled.
  • Required when enabled.
   (3) DHCP
  • Please check DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), when the ISP uses the DHCP server function which assigns an IP Address to the Network Camera automatically.
Check Only       -
  • Host Name
  • Enter your camera's host name.
(b)       -
   (4) Connection Type
  • Enter your Ethernet Connection Type.
Select Only       -
3. Default Gateway
  • Enter the proper Address, in case of communication over the Gateway.
(a)       -
4. DNS
  • Enter the IP Address of Domain Name Server.
  • You must enter the proper address when use the Host name of the E-mail or FTP function.
(a)       -
  • If ISP specified Address of Cable/xDSL Modem is not Static, you need to contact and register to DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) service. Please check DDNS Enable and refer to the leaflet for DDNS service.
Check Only       -
  • Your E-mail Address
  • Enter the proper E-mail address.
(e) Required when enabled
6. Max Bandwidth Usage
  • It can restrict the transmit bandwidth.
Select Only       -

  Explanation of Limitations
List Item Limit instructions
(a) IP Address or Subnet Mask Limit Must be composed of four numeral characters (0 to 255) and delimited with 3 dots, such as However you cannot use the following values.
(b) Characters for the Name
  • 1 to 15 characters
  • Cannot use the [Space], ["], ['], [#], [%], [&], [+], [?], [=], [<], [>], [:]
(c) Characters for Camera specific ID and Password
  • 4 to 15 characters
  • Cannot use the [Space], ["], ['], [#], [%], [&], [+], [?], [=], [<], [>], [:]
  • Disappear the Password when reopen the setting page after saved.
(d) Characters for Host Name, Upload File Name, and Top Page Title
  • 1 to 255 characters except following items
    DHCP's Host Name: 0 to 63 characters
    File Name: 1 to 234 characters
    Top Page Title: 0 to 63 characters
  • Cannot use the [Space], ["], ['], [#], [%], [&], [+], [?], [=], [<], [>], [:] except you can use the [:] for "Multi-Camera's IP Address or Host name".
(e) Characters for E-mail Address
  • Need the [@] and domain name of E-mail, such as [text] + [@] + [text] + [.] + [text].
  • 5 to 63 characters
  • Cannot use the [Space], ["], ['], [#], [%], [&], [+], [?], [=], [<], [>], [:]
(f) Characters for Subject and Text of Mail, and URL
  • Subject: 0 to 44 characters (In case of Notification, 0 to 63 characters), Text: 0 to 63 characters
    Top Page Image URL and Link URL: 0 to 127 characters
  • Cannot use the [Space], ["] except you can use the [Space] for "Subject and Text of Mail".
(g) Characters for ID and Password of FTP or E-mail
  • 0 to 63 characters
  • Cannot use the [Space], ["], ['], [#], [%], [&], [+], [?], [=], [<], [>], [:]
  • Disappear the Password when reopen the setting page after saved.

  <3> Name / Time
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1. Name This Name will be seen on the Single Camera. (b) Required
2. Date and Time Please click one of the time setting buttons ("AM/PM" or "24H") at first. After that, the other setting items are displayed. This time is used at trigger condition and time stamp of buffered images. Select only    -
3. Auto Adjustment With the Network Time Protocol (NTP), Camera can adjust the internal clock. -    -
    NTP Server Enter the proper IP Address or Host Name. (d)    -
    Time Zone Check your Time Zone. In case of Eastern Standard Time, Select "GMT -05:00". Select only    -

  <4> Security: Administrator
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
Administrator Authentication When a security password option is enabled the Network Camera authentication page asks the administrator for "Name" and "Password". -
1. Authentication Enable The administrator can select one of three security levels.
  1. None
  2. Administrator only: Setup Page for Administrator only.
  3. Administrator and General User: Setup Page for Administrator and Viewer Page for General User.
Select only    -
2. Administrator Authentication Input screen where Administrator Name and Password are input. -    -
    New Name (4 to 15 Characters) Administrator's ID (Name) (c) Required when enabled
    New Password (4 to 15 Characters) Administrator's Password (c) Required when enabled
    Retype New Password Retype the Password to avoid typing errors. (c) Required when enabled

  <5> Security: General User
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
General User Authentication Access the Network Camera Image Viewer with authentication when enable. -    -
(1) User ID List
  • List of current registered users.
  • Please select the desired user when deleting the User ID or modifying the password.
  • At first, you have to adding the new user, by next [(2) New User], when you want to enable to General User Authentication.
Up to 30 users When security option is activated at least one user must be defined in the User ID list.
(1-1) Delete Please select the desired ID from User List, then click the Delete button, if you want. One user at one click    -
(1-2) Modify Please select the desired ID from User List, then click the Modify button, if you want. One user at one click    -
     Password General User's Password for modified. (c) Required
     Retype Retype same as above Password. (c) Required
(2) New User Please enter the ID, Password and retype the password when adding the new user. -    -
     ID General User's ID (c) Required to add user
     Password General User's Password (c) Required to add user
     Retype Retype same as above Password. (c) Required to add user

  <6> Camera Setup
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1. White Balance It can select the following items.
  • Auto (default): Auto White Balance
  • Fixed Indoor: Color Temperature: 2800K, Electric Bulb
  • Fixed Fluorescent_1: Color Temperature: 3600K, Natural fluorescent light
  • Fixed Fluorescent_2: Color Temperature: 4000K, Cool fluorescent light
  • Fixed Outdoor: Color Temperature: 6000K, Solar light
  • Hold:
    Hold the current White Balance.
Select only    -
2. Power Line Frequency (for Fluorescent light) It can select the Flicker Correction by power supply frequency.
  • 60Hz (default)
  • 50Hz
Please select 60Hz in North America.
Select only    -
3. Brightness Control
  • You can lock the Brightness Control. If you select disable, it is displayed Locked on control bar when you click these buttons.
Select only    -
4. Color Night View
  • When taking a dark photographic subject's photograph, a brighter image can be acquired by enabling Color Night View.
Select only    -
5. Pan / Tilt Control
  • You can lock the Pan, Tilt, and Click to Center Control. If you select disable, it is displayed Locked on control bar when you click these buttons.
Select only    -
6. Preset Control
  • You can lock the Preset Control. If you select disable, it is displayed Locked on control bar when you click these buttons.
Select only    -
7. Preset Program Control
  • You can lock the Preset Program Control.
Select only    -
8. Zoom Control
  • You can lock the Zoom Control. If you select disable, it is displayed Locked on control bar when you click these buttons.
Select only    -
9. Focus Control
  • You can lock the Focus Control. If you select disable, it is displayed Locked on control bar when you click these buttons.
Select only    -
10. Pan Range
  • Pan Range can be selected.
  • When selecting "Current" in the menu, the current Pan angle is displayed.
Select only When the range is changed, the lens moves to home position.
11. Tilt Range
  • Tilt Range can be selected.
  • When selecting "Current" in the menu, the current Tilt angle is displayed.
Select only When the range is changed, the lens moves to home position.

  <7> Image Transfer
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1. Trigger Setting Please select one of the following modes.
  1. Capture
  2. Alarm
    • It can buffer or transfer by alarm.
  3. Timer
    • It can buffer or transfer by time trigger only.
  • Utilizes the [Capture], when "Capture Control" is enabled in "Capture" page of "Image Transfer" menu.
  • Utilizes the [Alarm], when "Alarm Control" is enabled in "Alarm" page of "Image Transfer" menu.
  • Utilizes the [Timer], when "Timer Control" is enabled in "Timer" page of "Image Transfer" menu.
Caution: Buffered images are erased when Image Transfer setting page is saved.
Select only    -
Trigger Setting: Capture
  • Please click the [Clear Buffered images], if you want to clear Buffered images.
Select only    -
2. Capture Control
  • If you want to disable the Start Capture of Buffered Images at Single Camera Top View Image page, please check Disable.
Select only    -
Trigger Setting: Alarm
  • Used to buffer images or transfer images in alarm mode.
  • Please click the [Clear Buffered images], if you want to clear Buffered images.
Select only    -
2. Alarm Control
  • If you want to use Alarm trigger, please check Enable.
Select only    -
3. Active time of trigger      
(1) Primary Time
  • Always:
    Alarm Trigger mode is always active.
  • Operational between:
    Operational between start and stop time, please select the desired time.
  • Alarm enable condition:
    Please select the [Rising] or [Falling] edge of the trigger signal.
Select only    -
(2) Secondary Time
  • Secondary Time is only active outside of the time period established for Primary Time.
  • Alarm enable condition:
    It can select the [Rising] or [Falling] edge of the trigger signal.
Select only    -
4. Image Setting Used to select the buffer image resolution and quality.
  • Resolution: 640x480 / 320x240 / 160x120
  • Quality: Favor Clarity / Standard / Favor Motion
Select only    -
5. Image Buffer Frequency Setting Selects the frequency (rate) at which buffered images are captured.
  • Enable check box.
  • Image Frequency:
    Capture rate at which buffered images will be captured.
  • Maximum number of images per each trigger:
    Total buffered images are determined by memory size, image resolution/quality and target picture.
Select only    -
6. Transfer Method It can select the transfer method.
  • Non Transfer without Memory Over Write:
    Image buffering will stop the internal memory is full.
  • Non Transfer with Memory Over Write:
    Buffered image will overwrite the older image data when the internal memory is full.
  • FTP
  • Mail
Select only    -
  • FTP setting
  • Server Address or Host Name:
    Enter the proper IP address or Host Name
  • Port No. (Usually Use 21):
    Enter the proper Port No.
  • Login ID for access to the FTP server
  • Password for access to the FTP server
  • Login timing:
    Select the login timing.
  • Upload File Name at full pass
  • Over write setting:
    It can select from [Over write to fix Upload File name] or [Add time stamp to Upload File name].
  • Data transfer method:
    Please use [Passive Mode] normally. If FTP does not work properly, please ask ISP or network administrator about the transferring mode of FTP server.
  • (b)

  • 1 to 65535
  • (g)

  • (g)

  • Select only

  • (b)

  • Select only

  • Select only

  • Required when using FTP
  • Required when using FTP
  •    -
  •    -
  •    -
  • Required when using FTP
  •    -
  •    -
  • Mail setting
  • SMTP Server Address or Host Name:
    Enter the proper IP address or Host Name.
  • POP3 Server Address or Host Name:
    Enter the proper IP address or Host Name.
  • Login ID for POP3 Authentication
  • Password for POP3 Authentication
  • From (Reply):
    Enter the E-mail address of [From]. You can enter here same as [To] when you have just one E-mail address.
  • To:
    Enter the E-mail address of receiver of E-mail.
  • Subject:
    The subject of transmitting E-mail.
  • Text:
    The text of transmitting E-mail.
  • Required when
    using E-mail
  • Required when
    using POP3 Authentication
  • Required when
    using POP3 Authentication
  • Required when
    using POP3 Authentication
  • Required when
    using E-mail
  • Required when
    using E-mail
  •    -
  •    -
7. Notification to be sent when Alarm occurs It can select [No Message], or [Mail].
  • No Message
  • Mail:
    It will be sent the E-mail when Alarm occurs in enable time.
Select only    -
  • Mail setting
Same as above [Mail setting of 6. Transfer Method], please refer to it.
Trigger Setting: Timer
  • Selects trigger interval of buffer and transfer.
  • Please click the [Clear Buffered images], if you want to clear Buffered images.
Select only    -
2. Timer Control
  • If you want to use Timer trigger, please check Enable.
Select only    -
3. Active time of trigger      
(1) Primary Time
  • Always:
    Time Trigger mode is always active.
  • Operational between:
    Active only between start and stop time that's entered.
Select only    -
(2) Secondary Time
  • Secondary Time is only active outside of the time period established for Primary Time.
Select only    -
4. Image Setting Same as above Image Setting of [Trigger Setting: Alarm]. Please refer to it.
5. Image Buffer Frequency Setting Same as above Image Buffer Frequency Setting of [Trigger Setting: Alarm]. Please refer to it.
6. Transfer Method Same as above Transfer Method of [Trigger Setting: Alarm]. Please refer to it.
  • FTP setting
Same as above FTP setting of [Trigger Setting: Alarm]. Please refer to it.
  • Mail setting
Same as above Mail setting of [Trigger Setting: Alarm]. Please refer to it.

  <8> Top View Image
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1. Language Please select an initial language. Select only       -
2. Top Page      
(1) Title Top Page title can be changed. Please enter the new title. (b)       -
(2) Image URL Network Camera picture on the Top Page can be changed. Please enter the new image URL (http://...). (f)       -
(3) Link URL The image can be set the link to the specified web site. Please enter the URL (http://...). (f)       -
3. Single Camera      
(1) Image Resolution Please select the directed Image Resolution.
  • 640 x 480 --- Single Camera only
  • 320 x 240 (default)
  • 160 x 120
Select only    -
(2) Image Quality Select one of the following modes.
  • Favor Clarity
    Priority is given to the picture quality of the sending image.
  • Standard
    The standard picture quality is set.
  • Favor Motion
    Priority is given to the motion of the sending image.
Select only    -
(3) Refresh Interval when Regularly Refreshed Please select the desired interval. 10 seconds to 5 minutes. Select only    -
4. Multi-Camera Same as above [3.Single Camera], Please refer to above Instructions. Select only    -
5. Limit time of Continuous Motion JPEG Selects the motion period of Camera image. After the lapse of this period, Camera image mode changes from motion to regular refresh. Select only    -
6. On the Air time
  • Always:
    Camera image is always on the air.
  • Operational between:
    Operational between start and stop time, please select the desired time.
Select only    -

  <9> Multi-Camera
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1. 2nd Network Camera It can be registered to see the Multi-Camera. -    -
  • Enable
  • Please select this option when multiple camera viewing is desired.
  • Each individual camera needs to be configured before setting multi camera mode.
Select only    -
  • IP Address or Host Name
  • Enter the desired camera's IP Address or Host Name.
(b) Required when enabled
  • Camera Name
  • Enter a name each camera can be identified by.
  • This name is seen on the each camera's image.
(b) Required when enabled
2. 3rd Network Camera Same as above [1. 2nd Network Camera]. Please refer it.
3. 4th Network Camera Same as above [1. 2nd Network Camera]. Please refer it.

  <10> External Output Control
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1.External Device Control Output It can control the External Device Control Output.
  • Open
  • Short to GND
Select only    -

  <11> Indicator Control
Item Instructions Limitation Required or Not
1. Indicator Control It can control the Indicator.
  • Turn on the Indicator during Power ON (Default)
  • Turn on the Indicator during Camera access
  • Turn off the Indicator always
Select only    -

  <12> Status

  Status indicates general information of the Network Camera.

  <13> Restart

  Restart operation takes up to 1 minute.
  Caution: Buffered images are erased when you execute the restart.

  <14> Update Firmware

  How to update firmware.
  1. Get the proper firmware from Panasonic Website. Please store to your PC's Hard Disk or Floppy Disk.
  2. Open this "Update Firmware" page, and enter the "Update Firmware" icon. The Update Firmware menu may take several seconds to display itself.
  3. You should see the Update Firmware menu screen. Enter or browse above firmware's file name to "File Name", then click the "Update Firmware" icon.
  4. You should see the Proceeding with Update Firmware page.
  5. You should see the "Restarting now..." page.
  6. The "Top page" will be displayed. To confirm the update check the firmware version shown on the Setup page.
  1. Connect the camera with the local network during the update firmware process for security.
  2. Buffered images are erased when you execute this page.
  3. Never turn off the power, during the update of firmware.

  <15> Reset to Factory Default

  This option allows you to reset all parameters, except date and time, of Network Camera to the Factory Default.
  This includes the ID, Password, IP Address and Subnet Mask.
  Please refer to operation manual about Factory Default.

  You can operate the "Reset to Factory Default" by
  pushing the "CLEAR SETTING button" a second, located on the rear panel.
  Please use a ballpoint pen or a similar object to push this button.

  Caution: Buffered images are erased when reset to Factory default.


  1. Netscape and Netscape Navigator are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
  2. ActiveX is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
  3. Ethernet is either a registered trademark or trademark of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
  4. All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.